Sunday, November 30, 2008


Electronic Islamic Resistance Movement 'Hamasna' Launches Campaign against Torture in Egypt

  By   Mohamed Abdel Khalek Mesahil    26/ 11/ 2007

'Torture to Death in Egypt' was the title of the campaign launched by The Electronic Resistance Movement 'Hamasna' (Our Enthusiasm) against the torture that it considered an ongoing and widespread practice in Egypt, pointing out that the police torture and ill-treat detainees, particularly during investigations.
The new site of the movement, whose members belong to the Islamic trend in Egypt and other Arab states, calls for supporting the principles of freedom, justice, democracy and human rights. It said security officials in most cases do torture prisoners to obtain information or to extract confessions from them, which sometimes leads to death.
The blog that takes the symbol of a red traffic light said officials use torture as an instrument of punishment, intimidation or humiliation. They even detain relatives of prisoners and torture them to obtain information or confessions from them, or to force them to handover wanted persons.
It cited reports of Egyptian and international human rights organizations, quoting Amnesty International as saying that torture of political prisoners and criminal suspects is common and systematic in Egypt, resulting in the deaths of several people during their detention.
The management of the site, which derives its name from the Islamic Resistance Movement in Gaza 'Hamas', introduce themselves as a group of youths from Egypt and other Arab countries contributing to the Islamic Renaissance project, through a site for the youth marked by new ideas.
They emphasized that they wage electronic campaigns and wars against corruption at all levels, and develop practical recommendations that they annex to the campaigns.


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