Sunday, November 30, 2008

Citizen journalism in Mumbai

Citizen Journalists Provided Glimpses of Mumbai Attacks

Published: November 29, 2008
From his terrace on Colaba Causeway in south Mumbai, Arun Shanbhag saw the
Taj Mahal Palace & Tower Hotel burn. He saw ambulances leave the Nariman
House. And he recorded every move on the Internet.

Mr. Shanbhag, who lives in Boston but happened to be in Mumbai when the
attacks began on Wednesday, described the gunfire on his Twitter feed —
the "thud, thud, thud" of shotguns and the short bursts of automatic
weapons — and uploaded photos to his personal blog.

Read more on NY Times:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a story proves that there is no limits or restrictions can hinder the flow of information and with every simple citizen could take part in revealnig the truth and transfering the on going events without cosmetic sergeries.Now citizen Journalism leading the way for the other journalism and media outlets to follow.
