Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Every step is a victory - Lao Tse

Image: Hokusai's Great Wave Off Kanagawa

And here we are, the first journalists from the MENA region, closing in on our last days of our Journalism and Democracy course tailor made for our countries and offered by Fojo. This blog is ours, for us to upkeep and keep alive. Hopefully it will serve as a harbor of safety from the raging waves of those wishing to combat our thoughts, our attitudes, our freedom of thinking.
But we know that whereas this is the end of the course, we also know that this is the beginning of something else - something greater and more enduring. We are full of hope, but of realism as well. And yet, and yet... Like Lao Tse said "every step is a victory." Yes, every little move we do will bring us closer. Sometimes we leap, sometimes we just trod very, very slowly. But in all cases, we must never standstill. So let us forge ahead and create a Mena el Aman for us and our fellow journalists from the region.

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