Monday, December 1, 2008

Pregnant journalist lost her baby as attacked by security forces

• - By Mohammed Ali
• 27/11/2008 00:00:00
London ( 27 November 2008: A Kurdish journalist lost her baby as she was attacked by the security forces, Asayish, reported the committee for the protection of Kurdistan's Journalists (CPKJ) this earlier this week.
On 21 November 2008, Asayish, the Kurdish security forces, in the Kurdistan governorate of Sulemani raided the residential home of a Kurdish woman journalist, Mrs Banaz Ali Noori, reported CPKJ.
During the raid by Asayish, her husband was arrested and Mrs Noori lost her baby by miscourage due to the trauma of the raid. She was four month pregnant, CPKJ stated.
The Committee to Protect of Kurdistan's Journalists has strongly condemned the raid and the arrest. The Committee states, "while in Kurdistan, there is a week-long campaign to promote women's rights, the Assaish of Sulemani ill-treats a female journalist and uses violence against her."
"The perpetrators of the attack should be arrested and face trial immediately," CPKJ added.

Posted By Adnan to MENA El AMAN at 11/30/2008

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