Wednesday, December 31, 2008

who dares

  first of all let me tell you that i have just had a phone call with ola , she is ok with all her familly .she told me she went out out yesterday and had a walk in the streets of gaza , she even made some reports .and with an outburst of laughetr she said "a rocket fell  just nearby while i was walking ".we are all fearing for her and for all the palestinian people  but believe me  they are stronger than us and more courageous .being besieged and bombed is a thing that nobody can bear still they are undrgoing these hardships  with a great sense of courage and bravour .
 but we  free and outside the siege zone , helpless as we are we should feel ashamed of being unable to change things ,. i'am speaking about all the humanity . globalisation which should have brought us closer and made us more concerned about others' sufferings,globalisation that is meant to  generate wealth and improve living standards of poeple around the world is making the gap wider and wider .the rich are being richer , the poor poorer , and those who are suffering are every day exposed to new forms of torture and  humilation ....bob dylan said " how many roads must a man walk down before we can call him a man and how many seas must a white dove sail before she sleeps on the sand ....and i say how many palestinian should remain on earth before our consciousness raise .the answer my friend is blowing in the wind ;;;;;;;


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