Monday, December 15, 2008

Rania impersonates Letterman

A jordanian TV personality you all know sent me this. And what  to make of it...

I sent it to Rami (your Jordanian blog guru in exile) and he thought it was lovely and thinks Rania is telling the truth. It is because she has no friends on Facebook...

It is interresting from what Kristina Riegert talked about though. How power uses media, and mimics it, to get their message across. In this case it is blatant, but problably quite effective since she does it so well and the PR guys have scripted it well.

The question is though: Who is impressed and who will listen? Many Europeans will definitely not listen since all her references and jokes are American and do not play to Europeans. Many in Europe probably feel like I did. "What a jerk she is only reaching out to the Americans, when there are probably better friends to find elsewhere!"

Will Americans be impressed? I am not sure. But some will probably be thinking that there seems to be some civilized arabs out there that likes us. Others will still not get that she is the Queen of Jordan since she has got an American accent and is not wearing a veil...

And what will arabs think about it? You tell me! In the comments section below please!

One thing is sure though. If there is a revolution and Jordan becomes a Republic. Her Majesty can easily find a job when in exile – as TV host.



zainab said...

Her objectives are certainly profound; she has an imposing personality, although this time she appears to be hilarious more than the Queen we used to see in conferences and other formal circles.
I am truly fascinated with her, she appears like any American TV star; we usually watch on MBC4. “The shows that I am usually too bored to follow”.
Sam is right; this channel seems to be directed only to the Americans. According to her, she is intending to change people’s impressions and ideas about Jordan. It is neither directed to the Arabs nor to the Europeans.
Yet one can’t help but hailing her initiative to achieve acceptance and tolerance in our world, only that we need to achieve those two ideal principles in our societies before anywhere else.

Amin said...

I am not impressed at all, in fact I and many who saw this clip felt bad. We used to have a genuine American queen, we now have a faked one. She can't win enemies by turning her back to her people's culture. And if she can't be funny in Arabic then the only funny person was the script writer who is I am sure American. History has many lessons for her to learn from.

Anonymous said...

Yes she has the right to use the You Tube, but before doing so she should first think very throughly and rationally about the porposes for doig so. Is it for more propaganda, is she seeking collecting more admirers or she has a true and real cause he wants to defend.She sould understad that she does not need to prove that she can be an excellent TV representer or actress or even that she can speak excellent English. What she really need is to be herself, a real person when any one listen to her will sense how much she is honest and sencere with herself and the others. She also must be aware of a very simple fact which is, she does not have to prove to any one that she is a civilized Arab women because a civilized personality is based on the same ethics and principles that spread worldwide even in the Arab World. Actually she might managed to increase the number of her friends or fans but what kind of friends she got? most probably they are those of the sort who like faked personalities.

Anonymous said...

I think we have to see beyond the funniness of Her Highness here, we have to see the positivity..

This is one good step for more good steps to follow, I'm sure ;-)

and always,
make love not war..