Monday, December 15, 2008

the lapidation of satan/again Saddam vs Bush

  Although it is a remarkably old practice, lapidation  seems regionally circumscribed to the Middle East and the Mediterranean bassin . the symbolic ceremony of satan lapidation or stoning is indeed  one of the most important rituals of the fifth pillar of islam that is  pilgrimage   . the ceremony consists in throwing  stones by millions of pilgrims on three rocks representing the devil . it is said that When  prophet Abraham left Mina  and on his way to al aqaba the Devil appeared to him  three times : at the big rock  , the middlle rock  and at the little rock.angel Gabriel asked abraham to pelt the devil with stones each time it appeared .abraham did and the devil completely withdrew .
  lapidation is  cosidered in many cultures as  the worst form of punishment, for instance men or women who dare commit adultery or incest are stoned to death  in some cultures  .we all remember the first intifada which  was memorably characterized  by Palestinian youths throwing stones  at israeli  tanks and soldiers.well i'am not going to give you a course about lapidation .i just want to make an analogy between the lapidation of satan and the shoes throwing on bush .what is the significance of such an act?   throwing a shoe on somebody is a sign of disgust ,it is a big insult but it is much more a punishment for bad deeds .we saw in 2003 after the fall of baghdad scores of iraqis stoning saddam's statute and hiting his portraits with shoes, but it never happened to real saddam .today it is the turn of bush .bush who has come to make a fare well visit to iraq was perhaps expecting iraqis to recieve him with  a bunch  of flowers  in return for what he has done for them .he helped them to get rid of saddam , he brought democracy to the region , he recostructed iraq ,,,,,,,,,.his good deeds are indeed uncountable!!!!!!!! but what happened ? why iraqis are so ungrateful ?  .i guess that the albaghdadia journalist would have liked to offer outgiong bush a bunch of good smelling  flowers but iraq has been over the last few years the scene of unprecedented violence  .the iraqi land has been watered by tons and tons of blood .flowers no longer grow on that land , so  instead and because of the flower crisis in baghdad Muntazer al-Zaidi offered  bush a pair of" good smelling" shoes probably made in  the  USA .
    ouarda lebnane

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Anonymous said...

No other comparisons. But Bush has a point. It is possible in a free society to throw a shoe at a leader (and not pay with your life). I would add not free, but somewhat freer. No one dared to throw shoes at Saddam, Uday or Qusay...

A test of the new Iraq will be to see if Mr al Zaidi comes ut of prison with or without marks of torture or abuse.

Anonymous said...

great , i really like the comparison .i imagine bush being stoned by milloins of pilgrims ,,, poor he ;;;