Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Swedish journalist Donald Bostrom to Echorouk forum: "The Israeli army stole Palestinian martyrs' organs in order to sell them"

Delila Henache/L.Lalali & B. Adjadj
The Swedish journalist Donald Bostrom, revealed the details of his poignant story with the Palestinian cause, before dwelling on the case of stolen organs of the Palestinian children savagely killed by the Israeli occupation army
  • He described the late Palestinian president Arafat as the historical leader, saying that the Palestinian cause needs an Arab renaissance, and spoke about the totalitarianism with the Palestinian authority after Arafat's death.
  • Bostrom said that his concerns about the Palestinian cause begun in 1970, and that he reached steps until he exposed the case of theft of the martyrs' organs to the whole world.
  • In 1984 he wrote articles about the case and published them in the Swedish newspapers, and told the PLO office in Stockholm in 1985 that he has a desire to interview the late president Yasser Arafat.
  • After several weeks he was summoned to meet with Arafat in Tunisi, saying that the meeting was difficult on the first night, however, in the second night he realized his desire and was taken to Arafat's office secretly through winding roads –as security precautions- and was told that the meeting would be fore 10 minutes only, but the meeting lasted for two hours, as Donald described the mood of Arafat that day because he was cheerful to talk.
  • " I was in the living room when Arafat appeared in a traditional military uniform and a gun in his belt, then he opened the door and entered the office. Our friendship begun and it extended for years. We had a good relationship with Arafat, the historical leader who has the decision, not like the current Palestinian authority which does not have the decision. It does not have a role in the conflict; it is just a group of employees. I am optimistic towards the conflict in the region, and the hope, which some Arabs have with the arrival of the U.S president Obama to the white house, will not change anything. It is impossible, that's why the international community should support the Palestinian cause, in order to put the suffering of the Palestinian people before the world and put America before the fait accompli. We can't remain silent before such a criminal moral issue and continue to protect Israel", Bostrom said.
  • The Swedish journalist Donald Bostrom revealed more facts about the case of the trade with the Palestinian martyrs, he have exposed on August 2009 in a Swedish newspaper and which raised large criticism, particularly inside Israel.
  • In his visit to Echorouk Wednesday he said during the forum that this case dates back 1992, as he discovered these Israeli brutal practices while on a mission to the occupied territories, in order to write a book on "Al Quds", he called four members of the UN and they told them that many Palestinians disappeared and that their organs have been stolen.
  • "This case raised my attention, that's why I accepted to investigate in the purpose in order show it to the international public opinion on the premise that I'm a freelance journalist with the aim of revealing the truth. I collected all the information from the available sources, including witnesses from the Israeli army and from the Palestinian national authority…in this context the members of the UN, who were aware of the case following complaints of the victims' families, told me about the date of the funeral of a martyr whose organs have been stolen".
  • In August 2009, the Swedish journalist, known for defending the just causes, decided to revive the case through publishing an article in the Swedish newspaper "Aftonbladet", as this article reached the Arab media, which contributed in uncovering the case of stealing the Palestinians' organs after killing them, and occupying their land.

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